Being a Choco-haulic does not have to be so bad! Cacao is the “chocolate bean”; the unprocessed, un-sugar/dairy-fied, original chocolate. It can be purchased in your local health food store as the whole bean, the nibs (crushed beans), or the powder. It can be a great addition to any meal or snack, even breakfast! Add cacao to your salads, with some berries, for a fabulous choco-berry raw meal. Remember the Ompa-Loompas in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”? They were the original Choco-haulics; and believed the cacao bean was magical.
Facts about Cacao:
• Cacao is regarded as a divine nut in many Central and South American cultures, including the Mayan and Aztec civilizations.
• The Mayan civilization even started using cacao as a form of currency, and named at least three deities after the cacao nut.
• Cacao beans were standard currency in Mexico until 1887.
• The cacao tree produces fruit all year long. It takes about 6 months for each fruit pod to ripen, and will usually contain about 20-50 almond-like seeds that are surrounded by a sweet, thin pulp. The seeds of each fruit are enough to make about 3-4 high quality dark chocolate bars.
• Cacao is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
Cacao research:
• Cacao has been found to significantly reduce the growth and acid production of mutans streptococci.
• Cacao has been found to have some anticariogenic properties.
• Cacao has been found to NOT be associated with tooth decay; in fact, it is found that eating whole cacao beans will decrease cavities. (note: if consuming whole cacao with the skins, make sure it is organic)
• Cacao contains significant amounts of all amino acids, magnesium, vitamin C, calcium, B vitamins, antioxidants, iron, protein, neurotransmitters, and fat.
• Cacao can completely reverse magnesium deficiency in less than 2 months, and also increase levels of Phosphorus and Calcium (2 minerals that are directly affected by magnesium deficiency).
• Cacao beans are about 10% antioxidant concentration! This is about 2x as much as red wine and 3x as much as green tea.
• Cacao makes blood vessels more flexible thus decreasing the potential of hardening of the arteries and reducing the possibility of heart disease. Cacao has been found to reduce LDL (commonly known as “bad cholesterol”), and reduce blood pressure.
• The shelled cacao bean contains such little caffeine (if any at all) that it is immeasurable. The shell contains a small amount of caffeine. Cacao contains the amino acid theobromine, which is a stimulant similar to caffeine.
• Over 80% of civilized humans are deficient in magnesium, yet it may be considered one of the most important minerals to our body.
• Cacao is the primary source of magnesium; other sources of magnesium are: seaweed, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, and chlorophyll-rich green vegetables.
• Magnesium supports the heart, increases brainpower, causes strong peristalsis (bowel movements), relaxes muscular cramping, increases flexibility, helps build strong bones, promotes detoxification & elimination, and increases alkalinity.
• Magnesium deficiency has been linked to: chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia, constipation, ADD & ADHD, depression, diabetes, cramps, confusion, cancer, blood clots, asthma, kidney stones, migraines, insomnia, hypertension, heart conditions, osteoporosis, PMS, stress, addictions, eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Dark Chocolate Sauce
4 heaped tablespoons of chocolate powder (crushed cacao beans or nibs)
3 tablespoons of raw agave nectar
½ teaspoons of coconut oil
Mix all ingredients together to form a paste. To make it runnier,
add more agave. To make it creamier, add more coconut oil.
Chocolate Bars
1 cup chocolate powder (crushed cacao beans or nibs)
1 cup of raw agave nectar
1 cup of carob powder
½ cup coconut oil
1 cup of cashew nuts
Blend everything until very smooth. Pour into your chosen mould,
freeze for about 20-30 min.
Really Chocolate Pudding
1/2 cup of chocolate powder (crushed cacao beans or nibs)
1 avocado (peeled and stoned)
½ cup of carob powder
10 dates (stoned and soaked)
2 tablespoons of agave nectar
Blend all ingredients together. If too bitter, add more agave.
Choco-Nut Spread
1 cup of raw almond butter
2 dessertspoons of chocolate powder (crushed cacao beans or nibs)
¼ cup of raw agave nectar
Mix ingredients together with a fork.
Melinda’s Favorite Breakfast (a high powered, high protein, highly delicious
breakfast with only about 100 calories)
3 tbsp Cacao
3 tbsp raw almonds
1 tbsp raw agave nectar
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